Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Why I'm voting Dem on Tuesday

I don't always agree with dems, but I find I agree with them about 85 times more than the gops, and their bastardized cousins, the tea party. I'm genuinely fearful of a right wing take over in this midterm, and here is why: It would demolish America as we know it. First off all, there is no bipartisanship in the gov right now, so NOTHING would be accomplished for the next 2 years, except maybe the following doomsday scenarios.

Scenario A: Freeze Government Spending
Well here is a great way to cut funding to millions of Americans who are actually working now! Cutting jobs out of the bureaucracy puts people out of work. And taking away gov funding to community jobs (teachers, law enforcement, etc) will result in even more people out of work and the destruction of local communities.

Scenario B: Tax Cuts All Around
Look, I hate taxes. I Do. But YOU DO NOT CUT TAXES WHEN THE GOVERNMENT IS IN A DEFICIT!!! How else we gonna make moeny?!?!? Tariffs? Well, we live in a free trade society now, so, no.

Scenario C: Big Business Tax Cuts
The best friends of the right, wall street, banks, major corporations, do not give two shits about the American people. They want your money. They don't want to pay you money. They don't want to give you a job! (more on that in a sec)

Scenario D: Kick out all the Mexicans!
Illegal immigrants are the 2nd (or maybe 1st) hated group in the country other that Muslims. So go ahead right wingers! Kick em all out, and put up that damn wall! Keep em out! THEN, all of the corporations can move to Mexico, where all the cheap labor is located, and still not pay taxes or tariffs due to aforementioned tax cuts and free trade agreements! YAY!!!!

Scenario E: Repeal ALL of the amendments to the US Constitution....
Oh man, the right would love to do nothing more than take away civil liberties to minorities, the poor, and the downtrodden. It is, after all, their fault they can't get a job, can't live in a gated community, and their ancestors didn't voluntarily sail across the oceans.... Ever notice how all the so called "Constitutional Purists" didn't say a damn thang during the W. administration's wire taps and patriot acts..... hypocrisy: It knows class and racial boundaries!

So go ahead and vote republicorp, and let's start a new America, a caste system based America...

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Problem with the tea party

There are several, but here is the main one: THERE IS NO LEADER! Several un-unified groups claiming to be "tea parties" running around the country preaching fiscal responsibility and lower taxes... Way to distance yourself from, oh, EVERY OTHER PARTY EVER CREATED! Name one political party (aside from the real socialist parties) that ever ran a platform of higher taxes??? IT NEVER HAPPENED! Now why should anyone vote for a bunch of unorganized yahoos? Have you ever listened to one of the "tea party leaders" speak??? I would laugh if I didn't feel so bad for them.... So you know what, I hope that tea party does win a lot of seats this midterm election, and in 2 years Obama gets re-elected and dems take over again. And here is a campaign slogan for em: "The Tea Party: Kinda like the 21st Century Whig Party...."