Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Michael Vick

Background info #1: I hate the Philadelphia Eagles
Background info #2: I have a pit bull and support animal rights groups, and I'm a vegetarian

There is your disclaimer on bias....

I used to love Michael Vick... I though he was a rare athletic talent. Even though he played in Atlanta, I still considered him on of my favorite NFL players. (I myself like the NY Giants, Carolina Panthers, and Cleveland Browns...) Then he has to go a fuck shit up. I will never ever ever ever forgive Michael Vick for his actions. They were deplorable. That being said, I do agree that he deserved a second chance. I don't not agree with the deification on Vick just because he can run and throw a damn ball really well. I think Americans need to wake up. It's ok to be happy he doing something positive with his second chance, but come on.... Tell you what, I'll revisit this post AFTER Vick signs his next contract, and let's see how much of his multi-million dollar deal goes to animal welfare groups..... Then, we will all see if his character lives up to his current hype.