Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The 2nd Amendment and You

I love guns. And I'm pretty damn left wing in my beliefs. Yes. It can happen. A liberal-socio-anarchist who is pro gun! I believe every single person that is not a violent criminal in America has the right to bare arms: within reason... It seems odd that the right wing gun nuts think that responsible gun control is unconstitutional. Don't they realize that basic gun controls laws are designed to protect US citizens????? A screening process before you can purchase a gun is one of the most sensible things that our country can do to ensure that bad people don't own a gun. Also, I find amusing that the Brady Bill was enacted due to the assassination attempt on the GOP golden calf Ronald Reagen! Now, let us discuss assault rifles....... YOU DON'T NEED AN ASSAULT RIFLE FOR HUNTING OR PROTECTION!!! It's that simple. Right wingers are supposedly soooo supportive of our military and law enforcement, so why can't you let them do they're job??? Why do you need and AR-15 or an AK-47? A .357 does just fine for personal defense, and a Remington hunting rifle does just fine for the purpose stated in its name. So don't act like the left is coming for you... I would worry more about the neo-nazi white supremacist militias who want to take down the government and change the protected rights granted to us in the US Constitution!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Skool Sux

So after being out of the education game for a few years, I'm getting back on that horse and trying to finish my damn B.S. in Marine Biology! Trouble is, I have a shitty GPA at UNC-Wilmington and can't get back in till next summer... So I'm taking classes at Cape Fear Community College just to kill time, and maybe get some courses transferred over (and possibly an A.S. in General Science.) After registering for 4 pretty easy classes (Western Civ, Intro to Computers, Intro to English Lit, and Pre-Calculus) I discovered that just because the classes are easy and taught at a community college, the price of books doesn't drop! 4 classes=OVER $600 in books! (if I ordered them from the school bookstore...) I was able to rent 3 books, but the rest weren't available ANYWHERE else cheaper than the school's bookstore (amazon and half.com didn't even have them!) I wish there was a congressional panel that would look in to the booming textbook racket run by the universities and book publishers here in the US.